The Board of NMTIA is made up of members who volunteer their time and talents in order to pursue the goals of the Association. The Board follows the directives of the Membership to manage the affairs of the NMTIA on an ongoing basis. Board Members are expected to attend membership meetings and Board meetings.
All members are encouraged to consider joining the Board! Self-nominations for the Board are usually accepted starting in November, and elections are held at the Annual Membership Meeting in January.
Current Board Members:
(click on any board member’s name to e-mail them)
Alfonso Gustave (President)
Ilka Villarreal (Vice President)
Uwe Schroeter (Treasurer)
Amparo Duran (Corresponding Secretary)
Analy Morales (Recording Secretary)
Kari Converse (Member-at-Large)
Denise Garcia (Member-at-Large)
Susan Langner (Member-at-Large)
Ana Sanchez (Member-at-Large)
Collectively Board Members have the following duties:
- To study policy issues entrusted to it by the membership and prepare recommendations for consideration by the membership;
- To adopt decisions pursuant to the stated policy of NMTIA in those cases where such decision is required during the membership meetings;
- To formulate each year a tentative budget according to the priorities adopted by the Annual Membership Meeting for that year for submission to the membership at the following meeting;
- To report on its actions at each Membership Meeting;
- To approve the format, design, and cost of the Directory, as well as to act as editorial board for NMTIA publications, including the website.
In addition, specific Board Members have the following duties:
President: The President represents the NMTIA and presides meetings. The President executes all documents, obligations, contracts or other instruments upon authorization by vote of the Members to do so, or in emergency cases, upon vote of the Board of Directors on issues upon which it is empowered to act. The President may sign checks as required to conduct the business of the Association.
Vice-President: The Vice-President assists the President in all duties inherent in that office, and shall replace the President in his/her temporary absence. In the event of a vacancy in the office of President, the Vice-President shall assume the office until a new President may be elected.
Corresponding Secretary: The Corresponding Secretary handles correspondence for NMTIA that does not require the President’s signature or signature of any specified committee member and sends welcome materials to new members. The Corresponding Secretary and the Treasurer are expected to coordinate, along with the Web Administrator, in order to effectively manage new and renewing memberships.
Recording Secretary: The Recording Secretary is responsible for recording and archiving the minutes of meetings. and sending out minutes to the membership in a timely fashion.
Treasurer: The Treasurer keeps NMTIA financial records and is responsible for management of NMTIA bank accounts, including signing checks and depositing any funds received. The Treasurer provides an updated financial report at each membership meeting, and upon request by a Board member, for inclusion in the NMTIA files. The Treasurer and the Corresponding Secretary are expected to coordinate, along with the Web Administrator, in order to effectively manage new and renewing memberships.
Members-at-Large: Board Members-at-Large assist the above Officers with the work of running the association, contributing to Board decision-making and execution of membership decisions. Members-at-Large often take on specific projects, such as website management or serving as a liaison to other entities.